New Jersey Conference

Ever Gonzales bautiza Nancy Viera.

Historia de Pastor Ever Gonzales

Nancy Viera acababa de enterarse de que se estaba muriendo de cáncer. Esta noticia le trajo tristeza y desesperación. Sin saber qué hacer, fue a caminar a Walmart para aclarar su mente. Mientras estaba allí, conoció a una anciana que le dio una copia de El Deseado de todas las gentes. La conversación sobre el amor de Jesús condujo a estudios bíblicos y, mientras estudiaban juntos, Nancy aprendió sobre el sábado.

Un día, Nancy le preguntó a su pastor pentecostal por qué no adoraban el sábado. El, no pudo darle una respuesta bíblica. Ella continuó estudiando la Biblia con su nueva amiga y seis meses después decidió comenzar a guardar el sábado.

Image from

Eduardo Monteiro, director del Departamento de Evangelismo de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey (NJC), recientemente dedicó un tiempo a reflexionar sobre la Gran Decepción de 1844:

Después de la Gran Decepción, algo extraordinario sucedió. Aquellos que lo habían experimentado soportaron desafíos al pasar el tiempo, pero no estaban solos. Había una presencia invisible del Todopoderoso, llevándolos de la mano. Con fuerzas renovadas, fueron y predicaron el evangelio eterno. Comenzaron con sus círculos de influencia inmediatos, barrios, pueblos y regiones, hasta que el mensaje llegó a todo el país y más allá.

Story by Eduardo Monteiro

After the Great Disappointment of 1844, something remarkable followed. Those who had experienced it endured many challenges, but they were not alone. An invisible presence of the Almighty led them by the hand. With renewed strength, they preached the eternal gospel within their immediate circles of influence, neighborhoods, towns and regions, until the message reached the entire country and beyond.

Trenton Spanish church

Story by Yelitza De Leon

The Trenton Spanish church is a large family that cares for its surrounding community. In these recent times of uncertainty, many turned to Trenton Spanish for financial and spiritual help, and leaders gathered to create a plan of action.

At the beginning of quarantine, Trenton Spanish distributed funds to members and nonmembers who needed food, medicine and more. With the help of other contributing families in the community, members gathered and distributed truck-sized food donations to families that were in need. Leaders formed prayer chains three times a day, and many felt supported and loved.

Image by AgnieszkaMonk from Pixabay

by Jorge Aguero

From the moment the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we began to experience a global crisis. Some parts of the world were in lockdown and quarantined. Phrases like “stay at home,” “wear masks” and “social distance” were and still are our new normal. For a period of four months, churches were closed, and some will not reopen for the rest of the year. But the focus is on the reopening of business, malls and restaurants, with the message: “Come in. We are open.”