New Jersey Conference

Image of Master and Disciples by John Fowler via Flickr

Editorial by Jorgue Aguero

The Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:18–20 highlights three important verbs: go, make (disciples) and teach. However, to go, make and teach requires preliminary steps to successfully fulfill God’s command.

Jesus did not include these three steps in his mandate because it was implicit that, by the end of His three-year ministry, His disciples were well-acquainted with them:

Historia de Edwin Manuel Garcia

Nativo de México, Marco Estrada no tenía idea de que terminaría siendo pastor. "De hecho", dijo, "mi sueño era ser un soldado".

Pero Dios tenía otros planes. Estrada, quien fue criado católico, emigró a Atlantic City, N.J., a la edad de 15 años, y trabajó como cocinero durante 14 años en un casino antes de aceptar el llamado al ministerio. Regresó a México para obtener su licenciatura en Teología en la Universidad de Montemorelos, y ha sido pastor durante los últimos siete años en la iglesia Hispana Camden de la Conferencia de Nueva Jersey, donde le gusta usar sus habilidades culinarias para preparar comidas para la congregación.




Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Images Courtesy FOX

Corey Samuels, a member of Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Metropolitan church in Plainfield, N.J., received his first LEGO set when he was six years old. Once his brother Travis was born, he introduced the hobby to him.

Now Corey, a LEGO engineer instructor, teaches children engineering terms and STEM curriculums through LEGO.

The duo recently helped even more people across the country get excited about LEGO when they were contestants on FOX’s LEGO Masters.

Pastor Marco Estrada, a former casino cook, now enjoys cooking for his congregation.

Story by Edwin Manuel Garcia

Marco Estrada had no idea he would end up being a pastor. “As a matter of fact,” he said, “my dream was to be a soldier.” But God had other plans. Estrada, who was raised Catholic, immigrated to Atlantic City, N.J., from Mexico at the age of 15, and worked as a cook at a casino for 14 years. After enlisting in the Lord’s Army, he decided to return to Mexico to attain his bachelor’s degree in Theology from Montemorelos University.

Dave Weigley and Emmanuel Asiedu flank conferences presidents and WAU president after the Columbia Union Ex Committee voted to revert funds to the conferences and WAU

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

“We believe in sharing God’s blessings with our entities,” said Columbia Union Conference Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu. “[We] want to give $550,000 back to our entities to support the mission. [We’re] giving the money now so we can share the blessings now.”