New Jersey Conference
Historia de Eduardo Monteiro
A medida que evolucionó la pandemia de COVID-19, se cerraron las puertas de muchos negocios, desde gimnasios, tiendas de mercaderia y restaurantes hasta escuelas y lugares de culto. Sin embargo, esta crisis ha abierto ampliamente lo que considero “puertas de oportunidad”.
Editorial by Eduardo Monteiro
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolved, the doors of many businesses closed, from gyms, retail stores and restaurants to schools and houses of worship. This crisis, however, has widely opened what I consider to be “doors of opportunity.”
Story by Jose Albino
I was born and raised in New Jersey as a Seventh-day Adventist, and attended church every Sabbath. My family was involved in every church activity and religion was embedded into our lives through the Bible, home worship, church worship and prayer.
At the age of 18, my family moved to Puerto Rico, but I remained in New Jersey to attend college. Quickly church and worship took a backseat in my life. This period lasted for more than 20 years.
A few months prior to the coronavirus pandemic, I felt the Holy Spirit talking to me in subtle ways. I felt ashamed by the life I had chosen and how I’d completely put God aside. I began to pray and ask Him for help.
Story by Mario Thorp
For this year’s spring evangelism series, Carlos Torres, the Personal Ministries director for the New Jersey Conference, and a team of 16 young adults, led the “Encuentros de Fe y Esperanza” (Encounters of Faith and Hope) program—a study of Jesus in the gospels and a doctrinal bridge to the Seventh-day Adventist message.
Each night more than 200 families across the United States and Latin America listened to the Word of God from their electronic devices. After the meetings, the viewers were encouraged to connect with Adventists willing to talk about any subject matter they wished.