New Jersey Conference
Story by New Jersey Conference Staff
Nearly 700 youth and young adult leaders from across the New Jersey Conference (NJC) and beyond recently gathered at Tranquility Camp in Andover to be trained and equipped with the skills needed to be more effective in their respective ministries. This almost doubles the number of attendees from the previous year.
Editorial by Stephen Lee
I am honored to introduce our new vision and mission for the New Jersey Conference (NJC), guiding us to fulfill God’s calling. Our new vision, “A World Without Strangers,” embodies a God-given dream to create a community where everyone feels welcome, valued and loved. In Matthew 24, Jesus’ disciples ask Him about the signs of His coming. Jesus describes signs in the natural, political and religious worlds, but adds, “The end is not yet.”
Story by Stephen Lee
The New Jersey Conference 2024 Camp Meeting was a remarkable event, held over two weekends: June 13–15 for English speakers and June 20–22 for Spanish speakers. This year marked the first time the camp meetings were conducted over three days, allowing for an enriching and immersive experience.
The camp meetings were packed with a variety of spiritual activities and seminars focused on fulfilling God’s mission. Each morning began with prayer walks led by dedicated prayer coordinators, providing attendees with a time for commitment and dedication.