
Editorial by Rubén Ramos

Mark Zuckerberg and his roommate, Eduardo Saverin, founded a social network that, in 15 years, engaged one third of the world’s population. By the end of 2018, the company reported 2.7 billion active users who, at least once a month, use one of the company’s core products: Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or Messenger. Company leaders have plans to continue growing until they can connect with everyone on the planet.

Image by Michael Coghlan from FlickrEditorial by Elaine Buchanan/ Image by Michael Coghlan on Flickr

When I became a Seventh-day Adventist several years ago, one element of the church struck me as really strange: prayer. Little did I know how much prayer would impact my life over the next 20 years.

A few years ago, my pastor/husband and I were transferred to our third district in the Mountain View Conference. I began looking online for houses, but we couldn’t agree on many of them. We made a trip to our new district, got in touch with a realtor and sent him our list of about 15 homes. He scheduled a four-hour time slot for us.

Editorial by Jorge Aguero

The reason for both Jesus’ birth and the Seventh-day Adventist Church have something in common. His birth was not to divide history into two time periods—B.C. and A.D., nor was the birth of the church created to divide Sabbath keepers from Sunday keepers. The commonality is that the birth of Jesus was prophesized by Old Testament prophets and the Adventist church was born of a prophetic movement.