
Editorial by Terry Forde

Have you ever been walking down the stairs and thought there was one more stair to go? But there wasn’t – so your foot connected with the floor a few inches sooner than you were expecting? And it made a little slapping noise and for just a moment you lost your balance, but then you were okay.

Or have you ever been going up the stairs and thought there was an extra step and suddenly found yourself negotiating nothing but air where you thought should have been a place for your foot to land?

Busy at work by Emma Howard from Flickr

Editorial by Jerry Lutz

There are many today who are too busy for spiritual things. Not just those who reject the gospel, but even Bible-believing, church-going people. Like those in the parable Jesus told of the wedding banquet (Matt. 22:1–14), today some have "fields," business matters or excuses that keep them from faith in the One who brings salvation.