
Cave Entrance by Michael Coghlan from Flickr

Editorial by Mario Thorp

At the beginning of the summer, families worldwide were captured by the rescue operation of a 12-member soccer team and coach from Thailand. When the team failed to come home after practice, the city and government launched a search and rescue operation. Days of agony and uncertainty worried their parents and the public.

What a relief when, 10 days later, rescuers found the boys, and eight days later, everyone was safe. It was an amazing process and joint effort to free them from the Tham Luang Nang Non cave.

Three hands by waferboard from Flickr

Editorial by Rick Remmers

What is important to you? What are the things you most want to accomplish? The Chesapeake Conference has established our priorities, and the first is very simple: Evangelism and Outreach.

Why would this be a top priority? Is it because everyone is excited to hit the proverbial sawdust trail and become a public evangelist? Or maybe people are eager to go door to door distributing literature and enrolling people in Bible studies. Perhaps members in your church are ready to open up a soup kitchen and start a tutoring program.

Editorial by Mike Hewitt

“We exist to grow healthy churches that reflect Christ’s love and compassion in our communities.”

This is the new mission statement voted this year by our Mountain View Conference Executive Committee. And going forward, it will guide our work together.

Photo by summitcheese from flickr

Editorial by Jim Greene

According to Webster’s Dictionary, “hope” has several connotations based on the way you approach the usage of the word. We can “hope” that something will happen—“I hope I can win a new car in the drawing.” Or, we can state with assurance that our “hope” is based on trust and reliance that something will happen—“Jesus is coming again!” The hymn, “We Have This Hope,” is a strong affirmation of our faith and hope in the coming of the Lord, based on the promises found in God’s Word. Every time I sing this song, my spirits are lifted, and I am inspired to share the good news that Jesus is coming again!