
Editorial by Dave Weigley

I am a witness that dreams do come true, visions do become reality and God does answer prayers! This past August, all three happened when we celebrated the grand opening of Adventist HealthCare (AHC) White Oak Medical Center on Healing Way in Silver Spring, Md. This is something that hadn’t happened in more than a hundred years, and during this journey, some might have wondered if it would happen in a million years. But God is good!

Around the turn of the 19th to 20th century, Ellen G. White, a pioneer leader of the Seventh-day Adventist movement, envisioned health care happening somewhere “on a grassy slope” in Takoma Park, Md., close to Washington, D.C. It would be a place where the healing and restoration ministry of Jesus Christ, as expressed by His church, could be offered and modeled in the local community. Washington Adventist Hospital became that place, fulfilling the dreams of our forefathers and leaders, extending the “right arm of the gospel” to the masses, and carrying forward the legacy of health and healing. And while it was a difficult decision to relocate, finding a new home became necessary so as to maintain a robust future for this valued ministry.

Editorial by Donald Short

Each registration day, Potomac Conference's Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) faculty and staff form a circle, join hands and pray for the students who will momentarily walk through the doors of Twomley Hall and become part of the SVA family. We pray for God’s blessings on the school year and recommit to serving students by educating them through “experiences that produce disciples of Jesus”—the mission of SVA.

PHLiC Spring Camp 2012 photo by PetiteFamily93 from Flickr

Editorial by Glen Milam

Have you ever seen a miracle?” When asked, we often stand with a blank look on our faces as we rummage in our memories to find one. God admonished the children of Israel, “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them” (Deut. 4:9, NIV).

Stocksnap Library

Editorial by Jeremy Garlock

It is often said that the youth are the future of our church. I respectfully, yet passionately, disagree. I believe that the youth are the passion and energy of our church right now. A quick look at history will show us that God has always been passionate about youth.

The clear majority of Jesus’ 12 disciples would have fallen into our youth or young adult categories.

During the Dark Ages and the Reformation, youth and young adults did much to preserve the work.

Editorial by Jacqueline Messenger

We are blessed to have a dedicated team of principals across the Columbia Union Conference, and they deserve our gratitude for their commitment and sacrifice.

Serving as a school principal is a tough job. It doesn’t matter what type of school it is, what classes are offered or how many students are enrolled. While attempting to provide a quality education, principals typically spend countless hours at school each day and even more hours on school committees at night; juggle the many needs, issues and requests that arise daily; and attempt to keep the students under their watch safe and happy.