
Image of Master and Disciples by John Fowler via Flickr

Editorial by Jorgue Aguero

The Great Commission of Jesus in Matthew 28:18–20 highlights three important verbs: go, make (disciples) and teach. However, to go, make and teach requires preliminary steps to successfully fulfill God’s command.

Jesus did not include these three steps in his mandate because it was implicit that, by the end of His three-year ministry, His disciples were well-acquainted with them:

Image by Tumisu on Pixabay

Editorial por Terry Forde, presidente y CEO, Adventist HealthCare

Mis primeros héroes no eran personajes de la televisión o de revistas de cuentos. Fueron los personajes de la Biblia —David, Daniel, Ester, los tres jovencitos que fueron echados al horno encendido: Ananías, Azarías y Misael.

Me encantaban sus historias y la razón de las mismas. Me parecía que no había nada a lo que tuviesen miedo. En el ambiente actual, no puedo dejar de pensar en ellos.

Image by sspiehs3 on Pixabay

Will Johns, Pastor of Potomac Conference's Beltsville church's Tech Road Campus in Silver Spring, Md., shared the following message, encouraging us to care for our souls during this tough time.

I have been thinking about this question: What is the best way to respond to what we are currently facing? I think the answer to that question for me is soul care.

Let me explain what I mean.

Prayer photo by Loren Kerns via Flickr

Editorial by Eli Rojas

The word intentional means that an action is taken on purpose. Interestingly, when it comes to the most important things in life, it often seems that few people treat them with an intentional mindset.

Maintaining a marriage, family life, career and even our spiritual walk with God is often driven by happenstance. Ellen White speaks on the benefits of living purposefully: “The soul that is indolent falls an easy prey to temptation; but in the life that has a noble aim, an absorbing purpose, evil finds little foothold” (Prophets and Kings, p. 660).