Washington Adventist University

Congratulations on your outstanding academic accomplishment! A few years ago, you entered through the Gateway to Service at Washington Adventist University, seeking the required knowledge on your career pathway to become a competent moral leader in preparation to serve in communities throughout the world. We are excited that you chose WAU to support you on your career journey. Your success is not a surprise; it is well earned. As you leave the University through the Gateway to Service, put knowledge into action, and change the world by linking scholarship with service. Continue to be committed to a belief and value system that results in responsible moral choices and the care of the body, mind, and spirit.

Historia por el personal de la Universidad Adventista de Washington

La Universidad Adventista de Washington (WAU) se enorgullece en ofrecer educación cristiana de alta calidad en la capital de la nación a través de la cual se logra su misión de desarrollar líderes morales competentes. Aunque los desafíos que ha presentado el COVID-19 continúan dificultando la predicción del futuro, WAU avanzará con esta misión. Se planean múltiples contingencias para muchas eventualidades. La conciencia de la angustia que causan algunas de estas medidas en la vida estudiantil tradicional está guiando a WAU a buscar orientación y a pensar de manera innovadora.

Story by Washington Adventist University Staff
Washington Adventist University (WAU) is proud to offer high-quality Christian education in the nation’s capital through which its mission to develop competent moral leaders is achieved. Although the challenges that COVID-19 has presented continue to make predicting the future difficult, WAU will move forward with this mission. Multiple contingencies are planned for many eventualities. An awareness of the distress some of these measures make on traditional student life is guiding WAU to seek guidance and think outside the box.

WAU Board of Trustees

Washington Adventist University (WAU) is a vibrant and robust institution that has been serving the Adventist and local communities since 1904. We are proud of the lives we’ve influenced over the decades through rigorous education and consistent spiritual foundations. In 2020, a threat of unprecedented challenge and complexity has created a need for intentional, prayerful, and decisive adjustments to maintain health and longevity, and create financial flexibility for the institution.

Dave Weigley and Emmanuel Asiedu flank conferences presidents and WAU president after the Columbia Union Ex Committee voted to revert funds to the conferences and WAU

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

“We believe in sharing God’s blessings with our entities,” said Columbia Union Conference Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu. “[We] want to give $550,000 back to our entities to support the mission. [We’re] giving the money now so we can share the blessings now.”