Washington Adventist University

Editorial by Weymouth Spence

Christ’s example and teachings directly contradict the world’s aspirations toward always looking for wealth. In Christ, we see a Diety lowering Himself to human form to reach the poor, sick and struggling. Instead, His path is a path of lifting the brokenhearted and guiding His children to better horizons, whether that is financial or spiritual.

He said, “Whoever wants to be first, must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35), and “All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” These aren’t the words that would indicate the priority is to search for wealth and let the benefits of your wealth trickle down to the masses. Instead, this is a call to dive into the masses and find those you can lift, heal and exalt.

On October 1–2, Washington Adventist University and the Columbia Union Conference will livestream “Overcoming Disunity in the Body of Christ: Concrete Steps,” a G. Arthur Keough Two-Day Summit.

Speakers will discuss justice and renewal, cross-cultural and racial reconciliation, colorblindness versus dual identity, and more. 

More information

Friday, October 1 - panel sessions (9:30 am – 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm)
Saturday, October 2, 2021- panel sessions (10:00 am – 10:50 am; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm)

Presenters and Panelists:

Image from Truthseeker8 on pixabay

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Del 1 al 2 de octubre, la Universidad Adventista de Washington y la Unión de Columbia transmitirán en vivo “Superando la desunión en el cuerpo de Cristo: Pasos concretos”, una cumbre de dos días de G. Arthur Keough.

Encuentre más información sobre cómo registrarse aquí.


Du 1er au 2 octobre prochain, l'Université Adventiste de Washington et l’Union de Columbia diffuseront en direct « Surmonter la Désunion dans le Corps du Christ : des Mesures Concrètes », un sommet de deux jours de G. Arthur Keough.

Les conférenciers discuteront de la justice et du renouveau, de la réconciliation interculturelle et raciale, du daltonisme par rapport à la double identité, et plus encore.

S'inscrire sur https://www.wau.edu/academics/undergraduate-programs/religion-department/keough-conference/.

Story from Washington Adventist University Communication Staff
Our Washington Adventist University community feels the immense weight of the tragic loss of our Board Trustee, Elder Henry J. Fordham, and his wife, Sharon. The loss of a great university supporter and servant leader of this magnitude motivates WAU to honor Elder Fordham and his wife for their lifetime of ministry.
With the support of the President's Cabinet and the WAU Religion Department, President Weymouth Spence announces the naming of the Henry and Sharon Fordham Department of Religion at Washington Adventist University.