Washington Adventist University

Story by Washington Adventist University Staff

President Joseph R. Biden recently awarded Washington Adventist University President Weymouth Spence with a Lifetime Achievement award in recognition of his 5,127 hours for volunteer service to the nation.

In a letter, President Biden he congratulated Spence for his contribution to the public good and expressed appreciation for his volunteer leadership.

Washington Adventist University recently hosted their Virtual Music Fest 2022. In the final concert, school leaders awarded 27 scholarships to participants. Watch the program by visiting facebook.com/WAUMusicDept.

The following students attending Columbia Union schools received awards.

Highland View Academy
Ana Lopes $6,000
Kierra Singleton $6,000
Melissa Merchan $6,000
Jacob Nerona $6,000
SamuelMachado  $6,000

Lake Nelson
Jaedan Navarro $2,000
Joel Marin $8,000

ladyjustice by jessica45 on pixabay

Washington, D.C. has always been a center for studying and practicing law and public policy. The Honors College at Washington Adventist University uses its location near the Nation’s Capital to offer unique and innovative options for students.

MoU between WAU and University of Baltimore Law School offers dual-enrollment law school options.

During the Fall 2021 semester, WAU signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Baltimore School of Law to develop a dual-enrollment law program.

“An honest answer is as pleasing as a kiss on the lips” (Prov. 24:26, NCV).

I can imagine it is an exceptionally busy day for King Solomon. He calls his advisors together to ask for feedback on proposed strategic plans and initiatives which he hopes will enrich the quality of life for the people entrusted to his care. I imagine him turning to his counselors and asking for their opinion, only to see them glancing at each other in a hesitant and uncertain manner, wondering what answer he, the king, would

Editorial by Weymouth Spence

Christ’s example and teachings directly contradict the world’s aspirations toward always looking for wealth. In Christ, we see a Diety lowering Himself to human form to reach the poor, sick and struggling. Instead, His path is a path of lifting the brokenhearted and guiding His children to better horizons, whether that is financial or spiritual.

He said, “Whoever wants to be first, must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35), and “All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” These aren’t the words that would indicate the priority is to search for wealth and let the benefits of your wealth trickle down to the masses. Instead, this is a call to dive into the masses and find those you can lift, heal and exalt.