
Image by kodpe from FlickrEditorial by Bill Miller

In the animal kingdom, species like wallabies and aardvarks are not thought to be creatures of hope, rather creatures of instinct. National Geographic hasn’t spotted them writing New Year’s resolutions or making birthday wishes, rather “wallabying” and “aardvarking” until they die, generally living one survival moment to the next. To truly hope is to be human.

At the beginning of a new year, we look to the future with hope and optimism. “This year will be different!” we think. “This year, I resolve to ... ,” and we insert a task to accomplish or a different mindset. Coming out of a particularly tough 2020, many of us hope for a simpler, less anxiety-provoking 2021, because we don’t hope in the past—we hope in the future.

God’s grace allows us to hope and be creators of our own future. Galatians 6:7–8 reminds us that the choices we make today determine some of our outcomes for tomorrow: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (NIV).

photo by daveynin from flickr

Editorial by Gary Gibbs

On a warm fall morning last year, I awoke to Pennsylvania’s beautiful rolling hills and mountains enshrouded in a thick fog. That day, the familiar landscape, just a hundred yards away, vanished in the mist. Similarly, as we enter 2021, the months before us are hidden in mystery. Its blessings, opportunities and dangers will only come into focus as time lifts the veil.

Image from Free Photos on Pixabay

Editorial by Dave Weigley

Being sheltered in place during the pandemic means I get to walk my dogs every morning and evening. At night, I have discovered anew the starry heavens, and, thanks to an app on my phone, I am able to view stars with constellation descriptions. One in particular has caught my eye—Polaris, the North Star—which appears to maintain its position, providing an excellent reference for direction.

In writing about the North Star, Harvard University Professor Bill George, author of the book True North, notes that our lives should be principle-centered, embracing stellar values that guide us. I like that!


Image by AgnieszkaMonk from Pixabay

by Jorge Aguero

From the moment the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, we began to experience a global crisis. Some parts of the world were in lockdown and quarantined. Phrases like “stay at home,” “wear masks” and “social distance” were and still are our new normal. For a period of four months, churches were closed, and some will not reopen for the rest of the year. But the focus is on the reopening of business, malls and restaurants, with the message: “Come in. We are open.”

Image by AgnieszkaMonk from Pixabay

Editorial de Jorge Agüero

El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud declaró al COVID-19 como pandemia. A partir de ese momento, impuso una crisis global. Algunas partes del mundo estaban cerradas y en cuarentena. Frases como “quédate en casa”, “usa máscaras” y “distancia social”, fueron nuestra nueva normalidad.

Durante más de cuatro meses, las iglesias estuvieron cerradas, y algunas no volverán a abrir durante el resto del año. Pero la atención se centra en la reapertura de los negocios, centros comerciales y restaurantes, con el mensaje: “Adelante. Estamos abiertos”.