Columbia Union News

Ryan Comeau, associate pastor at Hagerstown, accepts an award for the Christ Con project. Photo by Brian Tagalog

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Brian Tagalog

One of the highlights of Transformation Evangelism, Columbia Union Conference’s recent event for pastors in Columbia, Md., included the awarding of $20,500 to young adult evangelism projects planned and run by local young adults.

A committee comprised of young adults chose the three finalists prior to the event. Conference attendees voted on Monday evening, determing the prize amounts for each project.

This weekend several hundred pastors are gathering at the Columbia Union "Transformational Evangelism" Conference in Columbia, Md. In addition to listening to inspiring speakers and innovative ways pastors are ministering, they will vote on which innovative young adult projects they will help fund.

Weigh in on the project you think will best help evangelize the community. (And that other churches could use too!) Vote by “liking” or “loving” your favorite video on

Members of the Polaris Filipino Team 2 participate in the 2018 Columbia Union Pathfinder Bible Experience

Twenty-three of the 37 participating Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder teams placed first in the recent union-level Pathfinder Bible Experience event at Takoma Academy in Takoma Park, Md.

Here are the teams that will continue on to the division-level event in April:

Allegheny East Conference

Community Falcons - Team 1
Community Falcons - Team 2
Genesis Jaguars
Living Springs Lions
Maranatha Warriors - Diamonds