Columbia Union News

Editorial by Frank Bondurant

First Chronicles 12:32 mentions the tribe of Issachar who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (NIV). We need Issacharian pastors today who understand the trends and changes in our culture, and who will reach out to and engage people for Christ in relevant ways. Evangelism isn’t a set of skills you learn once and then are universally and always applicable. Evangelism isn’t static because people aren’t static. Our culture and communities aren’t static. They are constantly changing.

Story by NAD Staff

Don C. Schneider, former president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America (NAD), passed away this morning, May 23, 2019, in Texas, where he was living with Marti, his wife and partner in ministry. He was 76.

Schneider served as NAD president for 10 years. He was elected to the office in 2000 at the General Conference Session in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Prior to this, he served as Lake Union Conference president for almost six years.

Images by Muriel Bello

In December Columbia Union Conference leaders held a luncheon to affirm and express appreciation to the women clergy who serve in the Columbia Union. About 40 attendees (pictured above), including 20 women pastors, several conference presidents and ministerial directors and union officers gathered to talk about the outcome and implications of the vote at the 2018 Annual Council meetings, how women pastors are being treated at their home churches, what questions they have and receive and how the union can help.