Chesapeake Conference

Elvis Mogoi West Wilmington Church

Story by Andre Hastick

“It seems as if one morning, we all woke up, and everything was different,” says David Klinedinst, Evangelism and Church Growth director for the Chesapeake Conference. “While we were unable to hold in-person seminar meetings here in the Chesapeake Conference region under coronavirus-related mandated restrictions, we still felt a commitment to advancing our evangelistic mission.”

Story by Andre Hastick / Originally published in Chesapeake Currents

On the morning of August 4, Tropical Storm Isaias spawned an EF-1 tornado with winds exceeding 100 mph, touching down in the Dover, Del. area, according to the National Weather Service.

The tropical storm and tornado impacted the Dover First Christian School (Del.), causing damage to the property. High winds knocked down trees, fencing, as well as an exterior brick wall, exposing underlying structures. However, in the wake of the storm, the Dover church and school community rallied together.


Story by Janesta Walker / Originally published in Chesapeake Currents

Discussing what is happening with America’s schools has been the hot topic across the nation all summer. People have been waiting for the Coronavirus Task Force, local governors, and regional Boards of Education to make decisions and give guidance regarding the safe reopening of our nation’s schools. On an almost weekly and sometimes daily basis, guidance has changed based on new statistics and resurgence of the coronavirus in different regions. All the while, educators have been chasing a moving target.

Image by Jacmac34 on pixabay

Editorial by Rick Remmers

There are many scripture passages so broad and deep in addressing human need that many generations of Christians have found comfort and hope in them. Among these great passages is Psalm 91. It opens with a combination of invitation and promise: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust’” (vv. 1–2, NKJV).

Story by ADRA Staff

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in partnership with Adventist Community Services, (ACS), delivered more than 20 pallets of essential medical supplies and protective gear to healthcare workers at Adventist HealthCare White Oak Medical Center in Silver Spring. The 180-bed acute care hospital has been serving critically ill patients affected by COVID-19 in the Montgomery and Prince George’s counties since the pandemic began.