Chesapeake Conference

BMA Education

Story by Andrew S. Lay

As I talk with parents and students about obtaining a Seventh-day Adventist education, an issue that often arises is how can they afford the investment and make it a reality. As an alumnus of Adventist education from elementary through graduate school, I understand this can be a challenge for families every year.

Below is a guide to assist in planning for a Seventh-day Adventist high school education.

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Editorial by Rick Remmers

These are five life-saving words. When each day seems to bring a heavy weight of chaos, conflict and uncertainty, these simple words of Jesus have a great impact: “I will give you rest.” He prefaces these words with an open invitation: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden” (Matt. 11:28, NKJV).

These words are given by the One who spoke and created the world. The One whose voice called out, “Peace, be still,” and the storm stopped and the waves were calmed. This same Jesus is the guarantor of our rest. He is willing and able to provide rest as a free gift, without reservation.

Story by Heidi Wetmore

Chesapeake Conference's Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) held an outdoor commencement service during the COVID-19 pandemic late July for both its eighth-grade and senior classes. Chesapeake Conference’s New Hope church in Fulton, Md., located in a county where outdoor group gatherings of up to 250 people were allowed, graciously shared their lawn so that the Class of 2020 could have an in-person ceremony with their immediate families. The event was also livestreamed so that other relatives and friends could be a part of the celebration.

Story by Chesapeake Conference Staff

With the coronavirus pandemic impacting everyone’s lives, and economic instability breaking down the securities many rely on, the Bible has become the focus of curiosity to a new generation. According to Google Trends, searches for biblical topics such as “End Times” and “The Second Coming” have risen five times higher than in any previous year.