Chesapeake Conference
Story by Jacklyn Ruth
Recently, the STEM department at Highland View Academy (Hagerstown, Md.) received a grant totaling $9,992 from the Toshiba America Foundation (TAF). These funds will go to support the Astronomy for All Project, a new STEM elective course created by Kenji Nomura, computer science, math teacher and IT Manager at Highland View Academy.
"When we went online during the spring semester, I started researching potential astronomy projects that we could conduct remotely with the students in our STEM program," says Nomura. "The class is taught partially as a lecture and partially as night observation sessions with the equipment we were able to obtain through the grant awarded by Toshiba. The class is designed to cover several cross-curricular topics surrounding astronomy."
Story by Andrew S. Lay
As I talk with parents and students about obtaining a Seventh-day Adventist education, an issue that often arises is how can they afford the investment and make it a reality. As an alumnus of Adventist education from elementary through graduate school, I understand this can be a challenge for families every year.
Below is a guide to assist in planning for a Seventh-day Adventist high school education.
Editorial by Rick Remmers
These are five life-saving words. When each day seems to bring a heavy weight of chaos, conflict and uncertainty, these simple words of Jesus have a great impact: “I will give you rest.” He prefaces these words with an open invitation: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden” (Matt. 11:28, NKJV).
These words are given by the One who spoke and created the world. The One whose voice called out, “Peace, be still,” and the storm stopped and the waves were calmed. This same Jesus is the guarantor of our rest. He is willing and able to provide rest as a free gift, without reservation.
Story by Heidi Wetmore
Spencerville Adventist Academy (SAA) is pleased to welcome two new educators for the 2020–2021 school year. Laura Steinert joins SAA’s high school teaching staff in the capacity of English teacher. Her name might sound familiar to SAA families because Steinert began her teaching career at SAA during the 1999–2000 school year.