Adventist HealthCare

Story by Taylor Kelley

Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center has earned a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The rating is based on quality and performance measures as compared to over 4,000 hospitals across the country. Less than 9% of hospitals received five stars. Shady Grove Medical Center is the only hospital in Montgomery County, and one of eight in Maryland, to receive the distinction.

"This achievement represents years of hard work at every level of our organization," said Dan Cochran, president of Shady Grove Medical Center. "This five-star distinction is truly the mark of people and processes coming together to make sure our patients have the safest, highest quality care."

Adventist HealthCare commits to partnership with Howard University Hospital to strengthen health services.

Story by Tom Grant

Adventist HealthCare and Howard University, which operates Howard University Hospital in the District of Columbia, announced today that the two organizations have signed a three-year management services agreement in which Adventist HealthCare will bring in a senior leadership team to help strengthen the hospital’s presence in the region. The agreement begins February 17, 2020.

Story by Tina Sheesley

Thousands of new moms each year get support from Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center, including guidance from internationally recognized lactation consultants. Now, those breastfeeding experts have opened Maryland’s first hospital-based milk depot to better connect area moms with extra breast milk to babies in need.

Shady Grove Medical Center today.

Story by Thomas Grant

Looking at the buildings and bustle around Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center today, it’s hard to believe that the hospital’s Rockville, Maryland, campus was acres of farmland before the 1970s. As Shady Grove turned 40 in December, it celebrated its growth and expansion plans under a new leader to serve more of its suburban Washington, D.C., community.

Editorial by Terry Forde

Have you ever been walking down the stairs and thought there was one more stair to go? But there wasn’t – so your foot connected with the floor a few inches sooner than you were expecting? And it made a little slapping noise and for just a moment you lost your balance, but then you were okay.

Or have you ever been going up the stairs and thought there was an extra step and suddenly found yourself negotiating nothing but air where you thought should have been a place for your foot to land?