Ohio Conference

Jovenes predicadores y bautizados

HIstoria de Winston Simpson

Cuando planificamos una campaña Evangelística, pensamos en comisiones, un local y sobre todo en un buen predicador, o un evangelista con experiencia. En el distrito norte de Ohio, específicamente en la Iglesia de Willard el pastor pensó en que era hora de correr riesgos. En lugar de hacer lo tradicional y lo que dice la lógica, debíamos de probar hacer evangelismo con los jóvenes de nuestra Iglesia. Se eligieron siete jóvenes, los cuales nunca habían predicado, pero tenían el deseo de hacerlo en el nombre de nuestro Dios. Los nombres de los jóvenes son: Francisco, Jennifer, Fanny, Aranza, Eiby, Kevin y Emanuel.

Members of the Charleston Pathfinder club participate in the Columbia Union Conference Pathfinder Bible Experience event at Blue Mountain Academy. Photo by Lilac Martinez

Story by V. Michelle Bernard / Photos by Lilac Martinez

Sixteen Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) teams from the Columbia Union Conference will continue on to the North American Division finals in Chicago April 21-22.

Those sixteen teams from nine Pathfinder clubs placed first at the Columbia Union PBE event March 18 at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy in Hamburg, Pa.

Story by Karen Senecal

What does high school chemistry, summer camp high ropes course, community health fairs and a new boiler for a church heating system have in common? All of them benefit from Ohio Advance.

Ohio Advance (OA), a free-will offering to specifically reach the community and bring people to the Lord, is changing its allocations this year. In December the Ohio Conference Executive Committee voted to allocate funds to outreach and evangelism, secondary education, Camp Mohaven in Danville and church buildings and equipment.

Thirty percent of OA donations will be used for outreach and evangelism programs.

Story by Heidi Shoemaker

In his book Mentoring by Design, Edward Marton, Ohio Conference Youth

Ministries director, poses
the question, “How could a congregation release and empower young people for ministry and disciples for service?” A young adult himself, Marton’s book looks at the model of mentoring from personal, biblical and Seventh-day Adventist histor- ical perspectives. His passion for mentoring is clear, and the

book explores the foundation of these models, adapted and applied within the Ohio Conference by Marton, both as a senior pastor and youth director.