Ohio Conference

Story by Heidi Shoemaker
Last September Ron Halvorsen Jr, Ohio Conference president, spent more than a week in Ghana training 50 lay pastors and elders to preach. This month two Ohio Conference pastors, Ron Anderson (pictured with members in Ghana) and Tom Hughes, traveled to Ghana to begin meetings of their own as part of Pentecost 2018. Hughes recently spoke to 1,500 university students, 90 percent of whom were not Christians. He has reported dozens of decisions made for baptism.
"There have been 20 baptisms so far from Elder Anderson's meetings," shares Halvorsen. "Ron also helped train three theology majors from our university in Accra Ghana (Valley View University). God is good!"

Story by Heidi Shoemaker

The idea to write this book was ignited when I spent some time on the plains of Moab (in the modern country of Jordan), just east of the Jordan River,” says Patrick Mazani, pastor of the Ohio Conference's Findlay district. Fully convinced that history holds the key to understanding the future of the world, Mazani closely examines the biblical account of ancient Israel in their last camp just before crossing into the Promised Land.