This Month's Issue

On May 22 and 23, some 250 delegates, including pastors, members and leaders representing churches, conferences, schools, healthcare networks, and ministries from across the Columbia Union Conference territory will gather virtually for the Columbia Union Conference’s 28th quinquennial constituency meeting.

“The agenda includes the election of union leaders for the next five years, updates to the Constitution and by-laws, an audit report as well as reports from leadership of the union’s various institutions,” says Rick Remmers, executive secretary for the Columbia Union, whose office heads the meeting planning committee. “Sometimes people are tempted to devalue the reports, but they are an important part of creating transparency and accountability.”

Editorial by Dave Weigley

It’s hard to believe that we’ve been living through a global pandemic for more than a year. Our hearts ache for the many lives lost and families impacted. Sadly, our world continues to witness the scourge of wars, terrorism, racial strife, economic stress and extreme weather.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Moving to a plant-based diet has provided Keiva Dennis, a member of Potomac Conference’s Seabrook church in Lanham, Md., many health benefits: she lost 20 pounds, her acne cleared up and her knee pain disappeared. She also says it’s cheaper than her previous vegan diet.

Dennis first began following a whole-foods, plant-based diet more closely after spending time with her sister’s family, who ate that way. “Eating whole foods was so amazingly satisfying that I decided to continue this lifestyle,” she says. (Read more about her journey here.)

Story by V. Michelle Bernard


About two years ago, Matthew White and his wife, Beth-Anne, were discussing podcasts and came to the conclusion that there were many excellent ones but most touched on or taught evolution. “We wanted a good quality Bible-based podcast for kids,” he says.

The couple purchased a high-quality microphone that remained in the box for two years. But, within the last several months, White had a strong desire to start a podcast and recorded his first episode one night while his family slept. Nature & Science 4 Kids was born.