This Month's Issue

Rosa Parks (far right) attends an author event at the Potomac ABC in 1995.

Editorial by Paul Glenn

I once heard a customer state, “Paul’s worked at the Adventist Book Center (ABC) since nearly the beginning of time.” The ABC, indeed, was established in the Columbia Union Conference 120 years ago, but to set the record straight, I was only employed for 45 years—mostly at the Potomac ABC in Takoma Park, Md., and in its current LivingWell store in Silver Spring, Md.

Image courtesy GC Archives

The Columbia Union Conference—which covers the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States—is home to many locations where people of the Seventh-day Adventist faith made (and continue to make) history. But how did the greater Washington, D.C., area become a church hub in the first place? And where can one find impactful, lesser-known historic sites within the Columbia Union territory?

Columbia Union Evangelism Workshop. Image by Kylie Kajiura

En marzo, unos 776 asistentes, incluidos pastores y sus cónyuges, se reunieron en Hershey, Pennsylvania, para el Taller de Evangelismo de Columbia Union “Yo estoy contigo”.

“Esta es la tercera reunión ministerial que hemos tenido en Columbia Union desde el 2000; que esta pueda ser la última. Que esta pueda ser en la que dijiste: 'Yo estuve allí, fui a buscar al Espíritu Santo para que me fortaleciera, y el Espíritu cayó sobre mí', dijo Dave Weigley, ahora presidente retirado de Columbia Union, durante el primer evento de la reunión.