This Month's Issue

The Leesburg PBE team of three members is joined by their coaches (top left corner)

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

Veintitrés equipos de la Unión de Columbia que participaron en la Experiencia Bíblica para Conquistadores (PBE) ocuparon el primer lugar en el evento virtual de la División Norteamericana (NAD) en abril. Los miembros de estos equipos estudiaron los libros de Hebreos, Santiago y 1 y 2 Pedro durante meses, antes del evento, el segundo que se llevó a cabo virtualmente debido a las precauciones contra la pandemia. Veinticinco equipos de la unión calificaron para participar en el evento de la división al ocupar el primer lugar en el evento de la unión en marzo.

Soon after celebrating 60 years of ministry, WGTS 91.9, led by Kevin Krueger, president and general manager, purchased its license from WAU and moved into new office space, outfitted to support the needs of this growing media ministry that reaches half a million listeners each week. The enthusiastic team hosts concerts, worship services, a vital prayer ministry and many on-air and in-person events designed to invite listeners “to take one step closer to Christ.”

Story by Visitor Staff

The Columbia Union Conference team focused on fulfilling the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church by addressing six priorities voted by the Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee:


We prepared for and designated 2021 as the Year of the Bible, a time of special emphasis on reading, studying and contemplating how God’s Word transforms lives and draws us closer to Jesus.