This Month's Issue

WAU senior Heather Alas, a dual major in Business Administration Finance Emphasis and Business Administration Marketing Emphasis, is the new student president of Enactus (2016-2017). This past month she talked to the Visitor about Enactus, and what being a member means to her.

Visitor: How long have you been a member of Enactus?

Alas: I've been a part of Enactus WAU since my freshman year, 2013. This year I am the student president of our team. I am looking forward to enhancing my leadership skills with the team, and building new bridges with the community.

What are you looking forward to most?

Story by Danielle Tyler

The dictionary defines the term “bully” as someone who uses strength or power to intimidate those who are weaker. Quarrelsome, overbearing and oppressor are common synonyms of a word that describes a systemic epidemic in our communities. In 2015 one out of every four children reported being bullied during the school year.

Physical, verbal, social and cyber bullying isn’t just found in the public school systems. This disease knows no creed, race, age or gender and to stop it from spreading, we must admit there is a problem, educate ourselves and be proactive in enforcing change.