
Story by Salena Fitzgerald

Alumni weekends are traditionally held annually, face to face and in a familiar environment. Last year was very challenging, however, forcing most people to adapt to new realities. Due to the pandemic, Potomac Conference's Takoma Academy (TA) wasn’t able to host their 2020 Alumni Weekend on campus, celebrating years ending in zero and five. For this year’s event, the Alumni Association decided to expand the celebration and honor both last year and this year’s honorary alumni, celebrating classes ending in zero, one, five and six.

Photo from rupixen.com via Unsplash

Editorial by Oswaldo Magaña

As we look back at March 2020, our hearts rejoice for how God has continued to bless ministry throughout the Ohio Conference territory.

It was clear that we did not know what the COVID-19 pandemic meant for our future, but we knew it could be devastating for our members, churches and conference. We are convinced today that it was God who took control of our steps and the lives of our department heads as we began responding to the challenging times under our rallying cry: “Though our churches may close, #MinistryDoesNotStop.”

Editorial by Charles A. Tapp

For nearly a year-and-a-half, our world, and, yes, our church, has been on a journey that even the wildest of imaginations could not have imagined. The onslaught of this global pandemic has wreaked such havoc in our lives that it has almost removed the word “normal” from our vocabularies. But despite the great sense of unimaginable loss that the COVID-19 virus has brought upon us, in many ways it has allowed the church to recapture its mission of becoming “salt and light” to a world that is in desperate need of both.

Photo by Andrew Seaman via Unsplash

Historia de Mario Thorp

Hace once años, viajé por la costa de Costa Rica hasta Talamanca, un pueblo al sureste de Puerto Limón. En Talamanca hay un pequeño asentamiento de aborígenes costarricenses que viven en la comunidad de Bribri. Mientras estaba allí, me enteré de un miembro de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día que quería comenzar un pequeño grupo en la ciudad de Suretka, a una hora de Bribri.

Fui a Suretka para encontrarme con José Brown, también conocido como Piecito. Cuando nos sentamos, me identifiqué como su nuevo pastor. Piecito dijo: “Me gustaría ver una iglesia en esta comunidad”.

Photo by Debby Hudson via Unsplash

Editorial by Mario Thorp

Read in Spanish

Eleven years ago, I traveled down the coast of Costa Rica to Talamanca, a town just southeast of Port Limon. In Talamanca there is a small settlement of Costa Rican aboriginals living in the community of Bribri. While there, I learned of a Seventh-day Adventist member who wanted to start a small group in the town of Suretka, an hour from Bribri.