Historia de Jorge Agüero
Mientras escribo este editorial para comenzar el nuevo año, no puedo dejar de pensar en la pena, el dolor y el sufrimiento que dejó la pandemia del COVID-19 y los implacables desastres naturales que nos afectaron el año pasado. Si pudiera prometer que este año será el año de “no más noche, no más dolor, no más lágrimas, nunca más llanto”, como expresa la hermosa canción.
Editorial by Celeste Ryan Blyden
It’s hard to believe we are still living through a pandemic. Despite all human effort, this virus is relentless and unwilling to relinquish its global grip and march of pain. When you consider the lives lost—more than 5 million worldwide—the families devastated and the economic impact, it’s easy to wonder, what’s next?
Editorial by Jorge Aguero
Do you know someone who is always late for meetings? That person might even be you. There is Someone, however, who is always on time. You know who I’m referring to. But when it comes to God’s timing, many draw the wrong conclusion. Personal hardships or calamities and suffering can cause one to question His good and perfect plan.
Some have lost trust in Jesus’ promise of His second coming, because, in their opinion, He is late. Second Peter 3:9 gives insight into this apparent delay:
Editorial by Carlos Charnichart
It all begins with our mission of “Reaching Everyone, Everywhere.” As Seventh-day Adventists, we are committed to the hope of Christ’s return, and we are passionate about sharing the everlasting gospel to as many people as we can. We believe that we are the last day church, allowing God to take control of every area of our human existence—including our resources. We have been called to live and trust the lordship of Jesus Christ daily (see Prov. 3:5; Luke 12:22). God is empowering our mission through our faithful return of tithes, offerings and other gifts.