
Photo from istock

Editorial by Ricardo Bacchus

Words. What are they but letters placed into tiny groups with spaces on either side? One single word—war, peace, hate, love—can cause protests to unravel, turmoil to start or unity to materialize.

String several words together—it’s a boy, you’re a liar, thank you, don’t talk to me—and friendships can end, new ones begin or castaways believe again. Words make a difference, and they can bring life or death.

Bram Van Oost/Unsplash

Editorial de Sarah Capeles Frodelly

En febrero, mi familia y yo experimentamos una de las peores tormentas de nieve de los últimos años. Con más de un metro de nieve, no estaba segura si mi tractor era lo suficientemente potente como para limpiar el largo camino de entrada a la casa. Entonces, en lugar de quedarme en casa bebiendo mi té de hierbas, me aventuré al frío para ver si podía hacer que funcionara.

Sylwia Bartyzel/Unsplash

Editorial by Sarah Capeles Frodelly

Read in Spanish

In February, my family and I experienced one of the worse snowstorms in recent years. With over three feet of snow, I wasn’t sure if my tractor was powerful enough to clean the long driveway. So, instead of staying indoors sipping on my herbal tea, I ventured out into the cold to see if I could get it to work.

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

Words cannot express the loss and pain we feel in the passing of Henry and Sharon Fordham, president and first lady of the Allegheny East Conference. Few leader-couples have touched our lives as much as they did, and our hearts are with their family and conference family.

President Fordham was a quintessential Christian gentleman and friend who demonstrated genuine love for Jesus, for his dear wife, Sharon, for his family and for everyone he encountered.

He served with heart, led with humility and blessed countless lives.