Columbia Union News

Story by Juliana Savoy

This summer 21pastors, many from the Columbia Union Conference, enrolled in the “Seminar in Preaching Class,” offered by the Institute of Hispanic Ministry (IHM) at Andrews University (Mich.) Evangelist Alejandro Bullón taught the class at Potomac Conference’s Washington Spanish church in Silver Spring, Md. Seventeen additional pastors attended and assisted with the course.

Historia por Juliana Savoy

Este verano 21 pastores, la mayoría del territorio de la Union de Columbia se inscribieron en la clase "Seminario de predicación" ofrecido por el Instituto de Ministerio Hispano (IHM) de la Universidad de Andrews (Mich.) El evangelista Alejandro Bullón enseñó la clase en la iglesia Washington Spanish de la Conferencia Potomac en Silver Spring, Md. Diecisiete pastores de la Unión se sumaron a la clase como oyentes.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Mark Brown, a member of Allegheny East Conference’s New Life church in Gaithersburg, Md., recently started his new role as president of the Columbia Union Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (CUASI). He served as CUASI general vice president from April 2017 to August 5, 2018, when the board voted him in as president.

Brown, who joined CUASI in 2014, retired from the federal government after 38 years of service, and runs a small IT consulting firm and is president of 3 Brown Boys Granola.

Brown says involving young professionals is a top ASI goal and plans to hold young professional meet-ups and to include them in executive leadership roles.