Columbia Union News

Story by the Visitor Staff

How is the coronavirus impacting life, mission and ministry? How are Seventh-day Adventist members, pastors and leaders in the Columbia Union Conference coping with the disruption and uncertainty? And, despite this crisis, how many are continuing to experience the mission of sharing Christ’s message of hope and wholeness around the union?

These questions will be the subject of a new series of conversations themed “Coping in the Time of Covid-19,” beginning Thursday, April 2, at 7:30 p.m., and can be viewed at

Banned large public gatherings have forced church communities and schools across the country to get creative in congregating the last two weeks. We’ve assembled a list of resources and ideas to help you better build community during this unprecedented time.

Need Technical Help With Technology?
The North American Division’s Big Data + Social Media Department and several other entities have created many resources to help churches move their services and community online.

Union de Columbia Décrète une Journée Spéciale de Prière
Sabbat, 28 mars 2020

Les dirigeants de la l’Union de Columbia et de ses huit Fédérations locales, réseaux de soins de santé et établissements d'enseignement supérieur demandent aux membres de participer à une journée spéciale de prière, le sabbat 28 mars prochain.

Cette initiative survient alors que la crise du coronavirus (COVID-19) s'intensifie, laissant les églises et les écoles fermées ; l’annulation de certains événements programmés comme de nombreux week-ends spéciaux, remises de diplômes, réunions de camp et camps d'été ; et de plus en plus de personnes tombent malades et meurent chaque jour.

La Unión de Columbia designa un día especial de oración
Sábado 28 de marzo

Este sábado 28 de marzo, los líderes de la Unión de Columbia y sus ocho conferencias locales, los líderes de las redes de atención médica e instituciones de educación superior están pidiendo a los miembros que participen en un día especial de oración.

Esto debido a que la crisis del coronavirus (COVID-19) se intensifica, dejando cerradas iglesias y escuelas; numerosos fines de semana de ex alumnos, graduaciones, reuniones de campamento y campamentos de verano cancelados; y cada vez más personas que se enferman y mueren todos los días.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

“Historically, it is in crisis when the church has the most significant opportunity to live out its full mission of being the hands and feet of Jesus,” wrote Chad Stuart, senior pastor of Chesapeake Conference’s Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md., in the church’s most recent e-newsletter. “When I say ‘the church,’ please note that I am not talking about the building, about programs, or events, or even preaching. When I say ‘the church,’ I’m speaking of the calling placed on each member to be a light of hope and help in their immediate proximity.”