Columbia Union News

Una declaración del Consejo Presidencial de la Unión de Columbia
Un Llamado a la Justicia, la Oración y la Paz

La semana pasada fuimos testigos de una tragedia con el asesinato de George Floyd en Minneapolis, Minnesota. Como resultado de esto, así como de los asesinatos recientes de Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor y otros, muchas personas en todo el país y en nuestra unión, están conmocionados. Miles, incluidos los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, están horrorizados por las acciones de las personas que no pudieron servir y proteger a sus comunidades. La angustia y el dolor son evidentes por los disturbios civiles y las protestas en más de 140 ciudades.

Last week we witnessed a tragedy in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minn. As a result of this, as well as the recent killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and others, many people across our nation, and in our union, are in a state of turmoil. Thousands, including law enforcement officials, are appalled by the actions of the individuals who failed to serve and protect their communities. The anguish and pain is evident by the protests in 140 cities.

As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we rise with all who condemn these actions, and we, too, call for justice.

By Celeste Ryan Blyden

Columbia Union Visitor archives from 1918-1920 provide a snapshot of life and ministry for members of the fledgling Columbia Union Conference, which was only in its 11th year at the onset of the “Spanish Influenza Pandemic.” During a deadly two-year period, some 50 million people perished globally, including 675,000 in the United States. Conference and school reports in the weekly, eight-page Visitor noted its impact on members, ministry, frontline workers and the community at large.