Columbia Union News

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Columbia Union Conference leadership expected a 40 percent drop in tithe for the January–May 2020 quarter. “God has turned it around and has been gracious,” said Emmanuel Asiedu, Columbia Union treasurer, who reported only about a 4.5 percent drop in tithe (not all conferences experienced a drop) at a Columbia Union Conference Executive Committee meeting July 8 (via Zoom).

Debbie Rivera, associate pastor at Chesapeake Conference’s Ellicott City church, welcomes viewers to the “Forecasting Hope” online Bible prophecy series.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Pastors of Pennsylvania Conference’s 26 Hispanic churches had an evangelism series planned for spring. But with coronavirus pandemic social distancing in place, they were forced to move the event to social media where they took turns preaching on the theme, “Love Written With Blood.”

The weeklong series received more than 19,000 views and was shared 678 times. Organizers believe that more people were impacted by the series than if it would’ve taken place “in person.”

In honor of the 125th anniversary of the Visitor magazine, join the Visitor staff in continuing to make 2020 healthy. Register for the virtual Visitor 5K, to take place September 20–26.

Participants may walk/run at the time and place of their choice. Registration fees will include a bib, medal, tech shirt, mask and donation to Adventist Community Services.

Find more information and register at