Columbia Union News

For the Beauty of the Earth

Story by Jenevieve Lettsome & V. Michelle Bernard / Cover photos by Brad Barnwell

Going on Sabbath walks and appreciating nature—God’s second book—are longstanding elements of Seventh-day Adventist culture. Should this appreciation impact the way members care for the environment? And can it bring them closer to God?

Adventism, [in its early years], was more outdoorsy because the culture back then was more connected with the [nature] around them,” says John Henri Rorabeck, a naturalist and educator. “[But] Ellen White and her contemporaries were [also] really pushing the boundaries and really leading.”

La Unión de Columbia envió recientemente cheques de ayuda por el COVID-19 a cada una de sus ocho conferencias, así como a la Universidad Adventista de Washington, dando un total de $360,000.

La unión recibió los fondos de la División Norteamericana y, en una reunión reciente el Consejo del Presidente, decidió asignar los fondos a las enti- dades. Esta fue la segunda distribución de fondos de ayuda desde que comenzó la pandemia.

Historia de V. Michelle Bernard

El Comité Ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia eligió a Rick Remmers como secretario ejecutivo de la unión. Remmers (fotografiado con su esposa, Shayne) comenzó su nuevo cargo en enero para cubrir la vacante dejada por Rob Vandeman, quien anunció planes para retirarse durante el 2021.

Remmers ha sido el presidente de la Conferencia de Chesapeake desde el 2011. Anteriormente se desempeñó como secretario ejecutivo de la misma conferencia.

2021 Columbia Union Conference Year of the Bible

Welcome to the Columbia Union Conference Year of the Bible. Throughout 2021, we will place special emphasis on the primacy of the Word of God and how it informs and impacts our mission, ministries and lives. During this special year, we invite you to join us in spending more time reading the Bible, digging deeper for knowledge and understanding, and meditating on its precepts, promises and prophecies.   

At a time when many of Christ’s followers turned away, Jesus asked His disciples, “'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life’” (John 6:67–68, NKJV).