Allegheny East Conference

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Allegheny East Conference’s (AEC) Communication Department recently hosted its sixth annual Connection and Ministry Conference (CAMCON), held virtually for the second year in a row. The theme, “Hands-on the Future,” was designed to give online attendees tools to improve or shift their communication ministry to become relevant in a pandemic-impacted world. Over the threeday conference, approximately 70 attendees joined via Zoom, including pastors, communication leaders and other church leaders.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Allegheny East Conference's Ebenezer church in Philadelphia is celebrating 110 years of ministry this year, and members plan to celebrate all year long. When considering the year’s theme, church leaders reached out to former members, friends and the community. “There’s No Place Like Home” seemed to capture the sentiments of those involved. Wanting to also consider the future, they added the subtitle: “Honoring Our Past and Shaping Tomorrow.”

After serving the Allegheny East Conference for 44 years, Bennie W. Mann, Sr., passes to his rest.

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

Bennie W. Mann, Sr., former Allegheny East Conference treasurer, recently passed away at his home in Pine Forge, Pa. In 1967, Mann began his career with the Allegheny East Conference (AEC) as the business manager of Pine Forge Academy (PFA). He was then invited to serve as the assistant treasurer of AEC in 1973 before being voted as treasurer in 1978. He served as treasurer until his retirement in 1996, having amassed more than 44 years of church employment.

Story by Tracey Jackson

This year, Allegheny East Conference's Pine Forge Academy (PFA) Honor Class of 1971 wanted to connect with the graduating Class of 2021 in a direct and specific way prior to graduation weekend.

Through the collaboration of PFA’s Career Readiness Program and the Alumni Association Student Enrichment Team, the two classes met via Zoom during a monthly Senior Night to spark new relationships, network and share ideas. The Class of 1971 members provided invaluable mentoring for the 2021 graduates, as several Senior Night meetings had Q&A sessions.