Allegheny East Conference
Story by LaTasha Hewitt
Trevor Kinlock was recently selected to serve as the new president of the Allegheny East Conference (AEC). Though new to the role, Kinlock is not new to AEC. He was the senior pastor of the Metropolitan church in Hyattsville, Md., from March 2016 to June 2024. Previous to that, he served at the Emmanuel-Brinklow church in Ashton, Md., and the Calvary church in Newport News, Va. We recently sat down with Kinlock to get to know him better.
AEC: What do you value?
Historia de V. Michelle Bernard / Traducción por Domitilla Rosette
El Comité Ejecutivo de Allegheny East Conference (AEC) eligió recientemente a Trevor Kinlock para que se desempeñe como nuevo presidente de AEC.
La votación fue para ocupar el puesto que anteriormente ocupaba Marcellus T. Robinson, quien ahora es el presidente de Columbia Union Conference.
Antes de este puesto, Kinlock se desempeñó como pastor principal de la iglesia Metropolitan en Hyattsville, Maryland, desde marzo del 2016. Anteriormente se desempeñó como líder del área de Virginia de AEC desde noviembre del 2008 hasta enero del 2016. Y continúa desempeñándose como profesor adjunto en Howard University, cargo que ocupa desde agosto del 2021.
Story by V. Michelle Bernard (and more stories below)
With another potential strong storm forecasted to come through Gillette, Wy., tomorrow, International Camporee leaders had to make the hard logistical decision to cancel the Sabbath morning and Saturday evening programs previously scheduled to conclude the event. “Every effort is being made to keep Pathfinders safe during the next few days,” say event leaders.