Berean Church Featured on MSNBC for Food Pantry

Story by LaTasha Hewitt

MSNBC recently featured the Berean church in Newark, N.J., for their efforts in providing meals to needy families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Prior to the outbreak, the Berean church operated their food pantry twice a month on Sundays, faithfully feeding 100 to 200 families. Due to the pandemic, however, the demand for food increased. Many people, including church members, were furloughed or lost their jobs completely.

When food suppliers asked if they would be will- ing to receive more food for distribution, community service leader Felice Williams and Pastor Henry Davis got on board.

“I believe this is a calling for us,” says Williams. “We are a compassionate church, so if this is the need, and this is where we are placed, then this is where we need to be.”

The community service team opened their food pan- try every Sunday and served twice as many families. The need was so great they often ran out of food while cars were still in line.

“We are just grateful for this opportunity to serve. People are hurting, and we want to help,” says Davis.

To view their story on MSNBC, visit ycd33vke.

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