A recent study has confirmed what your Health Ministries director has long preached: It’s healthier to eat foods closer to their natural state than processed.
The study found that a high consumption of more ultra-processed foods with more additives, artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives is associated with a greater risk of cancer, especially ovarian and brain cancer.
Here are some resources from our archives to help:
- Beans for Breakfast (Don't Knock it Till You Try It!)
- Healthy Recipes To Try
- Spice Up Your Dinner Table With These Cookbooks
Read articles from the March/April 2023 Visitor:
- Feature: To Save or Not to Save
- Editorial: Bold Blessings
- Eight Practices that Contribute to Financial Health
- Adventist Students Participate at Model United Nations Conference in Netherlands
- Miracles Achieved in Mission
- Your Health Ministries Director Was Right About This
- Explore God's Creation
- March Sunset Calendar
- Meet the Personality Pups