Perhaps you’ve heard of "No-Shave November"? Now it's time for your lawn to get in on the inaction.
A growing number of local towns and organizations are encouraging residents to hold off mowing their lawns for "No Mow May" (sometimes earlier depending on the geographic location). This, in addition to not using pesticides will allow local native plants to serve as food for early season pollinators.
The Xerces Society shares that "Mowing less is one small step to help bees and it isn’t enough to save the bees." They suggest also doing the following to protect the more than 3,600 species of the bess in the United States:
- Plant a variety of native plants to bloom consistently throughout all phases of the growing season
- Provide natural nesting sites as 70 percent of bees are ground nesting and 90 percent are solitary nesting,
- Reduce or eliminate pesticides use, and
- Spread the word: Educate friends, neighbors, and elected officials about pollinator conservation.
What other ways can you reduce harmful impacts on God’s nature?
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