Year of the Bible

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“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV).

I was blessed to have parents who always believed in me. I can’t remember a decision I made in which my parents were not there to lend their support. They may not have agreed with every decision I made, but they were alongside me as I moved on from the outcome of my decisions. Their willingness to be there for me meant the world. It gave me strength and confidence to move forward when, at times, I didn’t think I could. Maybe you had parents like that or maybe you had someone else in your life who cheered for you. Whether you did or didn’t, know that in Christ we all have a passionate cheerleader.

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“The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:9, NKJV).

In 2017, I was living and working in Milan, Italy. I had a part-time job in a Chinese multinational company, lived downtown with my sister and did Bible work in my spare time. Life was comfortable and predictable. I was active in church and held a few offices. I enjoyed teaching Sabbath School and giving Bible studies, but I felt the need for a change.

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“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Ps. 23:4, NIV).

What does this verse mean? The first part says, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil.” I think this means that even though we go through scary things, we have nothing to fear. I wonder why that is? The second part, “for you are with me,” gives it all away.

Columbia Union President Dave Weigley and other leaders pray over Bibles that were sent around the union.

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Yesterday, pastors and Hispanic Ministries coordinators gathered at the Columbia Union Conference headquarters in Columbia, Md., to pray over and take home (in total) more than 13,600 Bibles and 100,000 Steps to Christ in English and Spanish.

“We pray a special blessing on all these Bibles,” said Dave Weigley, Columbia Union president at the event. “As [the Bibles] go forth, may they be a wonderful light so many people might know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and prepare for the great, soon coming of Christ.”

In Joshua 3, God promised that after the priests' feet touched the water, it was then that the water would be stopped and they’d see God had everything under control. Isn’t that the way it works sometimes? We feel the weight of the world on us, and obstacles before us seem too much to handle. But God says “If you step into the water, there’s rest on the other side.”


Join the Year of the Bible Journey 

To help you dig deeper into God’s Holy Word this year, we’re offering: