of Potomac Conference’s Vienna (Va.) church, speaking on spiritual health.
He suggests the following are 10 of the most spiritual things you can do:
- Exercise regularly
- Drink 64 oz. of water daily
- Get eight hours of sleep Set healthy time and relationship boundaries
- Guard your hearts against sin Embrace limits, recognizing you're not a machine
- Eat a healthy diet
- Enjoy hobbies
- Experience Sabbath rest
- Take vacations regularly
Find out more by watching the full sermon below.
The last couple of years have been especially hard, given the pandemic, political strife and natural disasters. In times like these, it’s really easy to get stuck in a pattern of pessimism and overlook the many blessings in our lives. In our humanity, we often notice the prose, yet miss the poetry. We marinate in sorrows, but gloss over gifts. We dwell on past hurts instead of present hope.
Indeed, our world is steeped in sin. The devil attacks relentlessly, seeking to destroy us. But Jesus already claimed the victory, and we know that, in the end, the sword of judgment will be overshadowed by His scepter of mercy.
In the meantime, as we live through this great controversy, how can we cope?
Rick Remmers, secretario ejecutivo de la Unión de Columbia, aceptó un llamado a la División Norteamericana (NAD) para servir al lado del presidente G. Alexander Bryant como asistente del presidente.
“Después de semanas de consideración en oración, he sentido la dirección del Señor”, dice Remmers. "Terminaré la ronda de reuniones de otoño que se están llevando a cabo y haré la transición a fin de año".
El presidente de la Unión de Columbia, Dave Weigley, dice: “Ha sido un placer trabajar con Rick. Ha sido una verdadera bendición para nuestra unión y, aunque lo extrañaremos, creo que la división ha tomado una decisión acertada".