
Image of Martin Luther King Jr by designwebjae on pixabay
Editorial by Terry Forde, CEO and president of Adventist HealthCare
April 4 was the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the American civil rights leader, pastor, and visionary who was fatally shot while standing on the second floor balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.
A Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dr. King was one of the most visible leaders of the movement for civil rights in the United State. He was committed to the use of nonviolence in the marches and demonstrations that he was associated with.
Each month WGTS 91.9 staff share a short film that adds perspective to those very real moments everyone faces, reminding you there is hope through Jesus.
"Sometimes, it feels like what's on the next page is too much for me to bear," says WGTS host Stacey. 
For you it might be a change you weren't expecting; a marriage that is falling apart, a job you've lost, or that phone call that changes your entire life," says WGTS host Johnny.
Johnny and Stacey share the latest Words of Hope that God is the author of every chapter in your life, so don't be afraid to turn the page."

WGTS 91.9 Words of Hope | 014 - "Turn the Page" from WGTS 91.9 on Vimeo.

Photo by Thomas_C_Rosenthal on Pixabay

Historia de Terry Forde

Las puertas del elevador se estaban empezando a cerrar cuando entré al vestíbulo de un edificio de oficinas. Podía ver la cara del joven mensajero que estaba llevando un paquete mientras las puertas se cerraban; cuando alzó la mirada y me vio, instintivamente puso su pie entre las puertas y evitó que se cerraran.

image by nakataza02 on Pixabay
Editorial by Terry Forde
The elevator doors were already starting to close when I entered the lobby of an office building. I could see the face of a young man making a courier delivery through the closing doors, and when he glanced up and saw my face he distinctively stuck his foot out and stopped the doors from closing.
I scurried into the elevator and quickly said, “Thanks!”
“No problem, man,” he replied, and then he added, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Editorial by Frank Bondurant

I opened my Bible this morning to Luke 2:49. These are the first recorded public words spoken by Jesus: “‘Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?’” (NKJV). He said these words when He was 12 years old, and then, 21 years later, in one of His last prayers, He said in John 17:4: “‘I have finished the work You gave me to do’” (NKJV). Like bookends, these statements frame a well-lived, purpose-driven life. Jesus clearly understood and completed the mission the Father gave Him.