This Month's Issue

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Editorial by Gary Gibbs

A few months ago, due to the coronavirus, our churches moved worship and ministry online. Uncharted territory for many, it turned out to be a gold mine for ministry!

When we launched our Reach and Connect online evangelism initiative last year, we had no idea that God was preparing us for this moment. We just knew we had to be online because that’s where the people are.

When the virus hit, our Hispanic pastors streamed a live Easter week evangelism series on Facebook, drawing nearly 200 viewers each night. Many decided to be baptized, including our coordinator’s uncle who watched the meetings 3,500 miles away in Peru!

Todd Casey, pictured with his wife, December, is the new youth director for the Pennsylvania Conference.

Story by Tamyra Horst

The Pennsylvania Conference is excited to welcome Pastor Todd Casey and his wife, December. Casey accepted an invitation to serve as youth director, joining the team April 1. Connecting young people to Christ, equipping them for service and providing opportunities for them to serve, fellowship and grow in their relationship with God are priorities in the conference. “Chosen and Called,” one of the eight strategic mission initiatives, focuses on discipling young people in Pennsylvania. Casey shares this vision for Youth Ministries.

Ekele Nwankwo is an active member in the Health Ministries Department at Allegheny West Conference's Columbus All Nations (Ohio) church.

Story by Benia Jennings

Ekele Nwankwo is a woman on a mission to sustainable well-being. As an active member in the Health Ministries Department at Allegheny West Conference's Columbus All Nations (Ohio) church, she uses her wealth of experience as a doctor of naturopathy in original medicine to encourage church members—primarily women ages 30 and above—to live a healthy life.

Due to Guadalupe “Lupita” Nieto Arroyo’s passing, more than 20 people have started Bible studies and are now attending church.

Story by Tiffany Doss

At the age of nine, Guadalupe “Lupita” Nieto Arroyo felt lost in a sea of deep loneliness and depression. She had long been the target of school bullying, and her home life felt unstable, as her parents considered divorce.

Psychologists and therapists who counseled Arroyo advised her to leave her circle of friends—many of whom used drugs and listened to music with dark messages. However, she didn’t know where else to find refuge.

Hospital by Toshiyuki IMAI from Flickr

Story by Christina Keresoma

Health care is a constantly changing environment. New technology brings new machines and procedures, and new buildings are designed with efficiency in mind. New diseases and infections are treated, while new viruses challenge the very heart of our health care systems. The coronavirus pandemic—COVID-19—was just that. Kettering Adventist HealthCare (KAHC) in Ohio came together to navigate this evolving threat that is genderless, raceless, faceless, classless, sexless, and nondenominational.