This Month's Issue

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A recent study has confirmed what your Health Ministries director has long preached: It’s healthier to eat foods closer to their natural state than processed.

The study found that a high consumption of more ultra-processed foods with more additives, artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives is associated with a greater risk of cancer, especially ovarian and brain cancer.

Here are some resources from our archives to help:

Columbia Union's Jose Esposito at January 2023 evangelism meeting in Cincinnati

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

Churches and members around the union continue to place special emphasis on evangelism in their churches across the Columbia Union Conference. (We'll share several stories highlighting this throughout March and April)

José D. Espósito, assistant to the president for evangelism at the Columba Union who participated in more than eight of the meetings since last fall, notes the common denominator that drew visitors.

The manner in which the truth is presented often has much to do in determining whether it will be accepted or rejected.—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4, p. 404.

Watch Pennsylvania Conference’s recent “Winsome Witnessing” training series at to help members witness more effectively.


Read articles from the March/April 2023 Visitor:

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Interview by Visitor Staff

Potomac Conference churches recently had the opportunity to receive funds to enhance their Media Ministries. (Read more here.) The Visitor staff interviewed Richard Castillo, Potomac’s Media director, for tips that all churches can use to improve this vital ministry. 

Visitor: What is the most important thing (social media-wise) churches can do to increase their reach?