Health & Lifestyle

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Potomac Conference’s Lynchburg (Va.) church recently hosted “Lunchbox Makeover,” its second healthy cooking class. Try some of the recipes that presenter Liz McLennan shared.


1/2 cup quick-cooking oats
1/4 cup diced dried fruit (apricots, dates, and dried cranberries are good together)
1 cup almond milk
1 tablespoon nuts of your choice (optional)
1 tablespoons honey or some mashed banana shredded raw coconut (optional)
fresh fruit

Nicole Toledo assists Lunchbox Makeover presenter Liz McLennan

Story by Shannon Kelly

Potomac Conference’s Lynchburg (Va.) church recently hosted “Lunchbox Makeover,” its second healthy cooking class. This free class taught attendees how to cook easy, tasty vegan meals and educated attendees with nutrition facts and tips for having an overall better quality of life, starting with their diet. In addition to cooking demonstrations, volunteers offered free blood pressure checks and health and Seventh-day Adventist literature.

Image by Wonkandpix

Story by Gerry Lopez, pastor of Children and Family Ministry at Sligo Church

A parent told me recently that their child didn’t want to come to church because they got bullied by the other children at church. This wasn’t at school or online; this was happening at church! 

These are statements that as a children’s pastor I don’t want to hear, but I need to be aware of them! I thought to myself, no not here in church; not in this place where we all should feel safe and loved! It blew my mind and made me ask, am I doing enough to make sure this stops? Sadly, I realized that I am not. But why not?  I’ve known that bullying behavior has been around for a while but I have put the matter on the back burner.

Photo by Dwight Sipler on Flickr
Story by V. Michelle Bernard
Aaron Weber, director of vocational education at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) in Hamburg, has overseen the school’s organic garden for five years. Don’t want to add more chemicals to the soil? Weber recently shared these tips for creating a greener garden:
  • Grow native plants and choose plants that will attract beneficial insects, which will reduce the amount of harmful bugs in the garden
  • Keep your garden area clean. Not having a lot of junk and garden debris around will reduce the habitat for harmful bugs
  • If you want to avoid using pesticides, try Neem Oil instead