
João Marques, alongside Blue Mountain Academy Pastor Adam Bially, celebrate his baptism together.

Story by Tamyra Horst

João Gabriel Ramos Marques’ mother prayed for her son. She knew his friends were a bad influence on him and saw the poor choices he was making. She believed that God would change her son and the direction of his life.

“My mother never gave up on me, despite my rebellious actions,” shares Marques. “She sent me to Faculdade Adventista da Amazonia, an Adventist school in Brazil, in hopes that I could find truth and Jesus.”

Story by V. Michelle Bernard

This week, some 550 educators and staff members from the Columbia Union Conference joined more than 5,000 other educators in Phoenix for the North American Division Educators’ Convention.

Donovan Ross, Columbia Union vice president for Education, shares the importance of these types of events: “It’s about demonstrating to our teachers the value that we’ve placed in them, recognizing the sacrifices they make for Christian education. It also serves as an opportunity for us to get reacquainted with colleagues or former students or former classmates that we’ve interacted with over the years.”


Story by Leona Bange

Today, students face many challenges, pressures and temptations. Seventh-day Adventist education, however, offers young people and their parents a foundation of Christian values and academic excellence.

Academic Achievement. Students in Adventist schools, on average, place half a grade higher nationally in all subjects than other students. More than 85 percent of graduates from an Adventist school go on to college. In Adventist schools, the goal of academic achievement is always paired with the aim of developing a relationship with the Creator—an unbeatable combination!