Story by Leonora Seferlis
Lake Nelson Adventist Academy’s (LNAA) educational program includes a purposeful and dynamic mandate of giving back. This directive is part of the legacy built with the participation and contribution of students, staff, teachers, family, friends and church partners who generously and consistently support LNAA’s outreach ministry efforts.
Editorial by Darren Wilkins
As we celebrate Spring Valley Academy’s (SVA) 50th anniversary, we’ve chosen to highlight the “Year of Jubilee” for our school theme. In the Old Testament, jubilee was that wonderful time of debt forgiveness, freedom for slaves and restoration for the downtrodden. Jubilee was a reset. A new start.
Story by Jaymie Pottinger
Pine Forge Academy (PFA) recently kicked off the 2018–19 school year with the theme “You Matter.” Kris Fielder (pictured), interim principal, says, “As a Christian boarding school, it is our responsibility to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging as they develop into the leaders that they were created by God to be, with a sense of purpose, direction and confidence.” In expressing his optimism for the upcoming year, Jaymie Pottinger, vice principal, described his excitement as he watched “brilliant young scholars from across the country stake their claim on the successes that are imminent if they submit to God’s divine calling while enrolled at this excellent and historic institution.”