
Historia de Sadrail Saint-Ulysse

Siempre es un privilegio asistir a los ejercicios de graduación de nuestras cinco escuelas en la Asociación de Nueva Jersey. Después de un año lleno de desafíos y oportunidades, tengo la bendición de presenciar a estudiantes, padres y educadores que comparten sus experiencias positivas. Es a la vez conmovedor e inspirador.

Siempre espero escuchar el discurso de graduación. Jean-Michel Etienne, un pastor que voluntariamente enseña Biblia a estudiantes de noveno y décimo grado en Meadow View Junior Academy en Chesterfield, com-

Story by Heidi Wetmore

Spencerville Adventist Academy is excited to introduce eight new staff members (pictured in order mentioned). Tissiana Bowerman joins the administrative team as head principal. After receiving her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Andrews University (Mich.), she earned a Master of Education, with an emphasis in Educational Administration and Supervision from Southern Adventist University (Tenn.). Having 20-plus years of experience, covering a broad spectrum of administration, she is uniquely qualified to lead SAA. “I look forward to what we will accomplish as God leads our school to grow and witness for Him,” she says.

Story by Richard Castillo

As Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahama Islands last week, members of the Washington Adventist University (WAU) community prayed for family and friends on the island. Brendon Albury, Nursing Admissions and Progressions Coordinator for WAU waited to hear from his loved ones as the hurricane spent days raking his home.