
Le Calvary Adventist School and Early Learning Center de la Fédération Allegheny East à Newport News, en Virginie, a été sélectionné pour recevoir le prix de Best of Newport News 2020 dans la catégorie des écoles privées du programme Newport News Award.

Annuellement, le programme identifie les entreprises qui, selon eux, ont obtenu un succès marketing exceptionnel dans leur communauté locale et leur catégorie d'entreprise. Ces entreprises locales améliorent l'image positive des petites entreprises par le service qu’elles offrent à leurs clients et à la communauté, et contribuent à faire de la région de Newport News un endroit idéal pour vivre, travailler et jouer.


Lake Nelson Adventist Academy middle-schoolers whistle away on their recorders.

Story by Samantha Rivera

The New Jersey Conference Lake Nelson Adventist Academy's (LNAA) Music Department is reaching new heights this acadmic year. The head of the department, Henoc Morrobel, a talented musician, leads the orchestra and band; the high school choir director, Mahaleth Forbes, uses her tremendous capabilities in music; and the middle school choir director, Kimberly Francis, exercises her gifts of leadership and creativity to conduct the Harmony choir.

Mercer Fox, a fifth-grader, holds a “fire snake” during a STEM Buddies session.

Story by Dillon Zimmerman

Ohio Conference's Spring Valley Academy (SVA) is making a concentrated effort to expand their science program this year. One route they have taken is an initiative dubbed “STEM Buddies.” The vision of STEM Buddies involves high school students sharing the knowledge they have acquired in their science courses with lower grades using a method that is both understandable and enjoyable.