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“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life“ (John 3:16, KJV).

John 3:16 reminds me of how much God loves us. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to take the punishment for our sins and die on a cross in our place. If God hadn’t given Jesus to take our place, we would all be dead, as sin would have consumed us from the inside out.

Matheus Gaulia

Story by Matheus Gaulia

Junior Matheus Gaulia shares what God has been doing in his life on the campus of Blue Mountain Academy (BMA):

BMA has drastically changed my life. When I arrived on campus as a freshman, I had my future planned out with ambitious goals and dreams. Three years later, God is changing those plans and showing me what He wants for my life.

pixabay by hermann

Story by Joshua Raymond

LNAA is a relatively small school located in Piscataway. The sophomore class only has 15 students, including myself, but, as a result, we are a truly connected community. Many of us have known and grown up with each other through the years at LNAA. We have seen our friends’ struggles and triumphs and have loved, laughed, played, cried, hated, and felt the same pain with each other; we have always flourished and gotten through life together.

Story by Esther Hernandez

Forty years ago this September, Jim Slater, then a freshman at Pennsylvania Conference’s Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) in Hamburg, broke his neck, became paralyzed, stopped breathing and almost died.

“It is an outright miracle from God that I am alive today,” Slater shares. “And because of my gratitude to God for what He did for me, I am dedicating my race this September as a way to raise funds to help other students attend BMA, to help them connect with God for all of eternity.”