
Editorial by William "Bill" Miller

It was a warm afternoon as we returned from an unsuccessful attempt to summit Mount Rainier (14,410 feet) in Washington State. The eight of us had sat at Camp Hazard (11,600 feet) for two days, the weather finally forcing us to return home.

On our descent, we made our way around the Wilson Glacier and crisscrossed the Nisqually Glacier, trying to avoid the many open crevasses, however, came to a crevasse we could not go around. We located a snow bridge to traverse over. After testing the bridge, we decided it was safe to cross. When it was my turn to go over, the snow bridge collapsed. I fell 14 feet and became wedged in the crevasse, upside down.

photo by andeecollard on Flickr

Editorial by Hamlet Canosa / Photo by andeecollard on Flickr

Not too long ago, I listened intently to a long-time supporter of Seventh-day Adventist education say to me, “Adventist education is not what it used to be. Its ‘golden age’ is behind us and will never return.”

His prognostication was difficult to refute. Measured by enrollment trends only, one cannot deny that Adventist education in the ’50s and ’60s was formidable. Accessibility, affordability, work-study programs, strong church demographics and other factors optimized Adventist education’s growth and impact on the church as a whole in North America.

This summer Charleston, S.C., has been in the news because of the racially motivated massacre of nine African-Americans attending a Bible study and prayer service at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. A young, white man entered the house of worship and, after an hour, pulled out a gun and began his murderous rampage.  

Editorial by Rick Remmers, Chesapeake Conference president   

Words seem to fail in describing and condemning the horror of such racist and violent actions. While news outlets have covered many aspects of this disturbing story, there is a perspective from the Bible that needs to be considered.

The first angel’s message reads, “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (Rev. 14:6).