Columbia Union News

Photo by Hearly Mayr

Editorial by the 2016-2021 Executive Officers

Every new morning presents an opportunity to make a difference.  Every new year is a chance to start over—to make commitments  and resolutions.

This month starts a new five-year term for your Columbia Union Conference leadership team and executive committee. We are humbled by your confidence and support, and thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve. This new 2016-2021 quinquennium provides an opportunity to dream, evaluate, refocus and create shared vision about where we go from here and how we can touch our diverse union with Christ’s life-transforming message of hope and wholeness.

6 Questions to Pray About

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Beth Michaels, editor of the Columbia Union Visitor. Michaels, who served her Lord and the Seventh-day Adventist Church with distinction and dedication, passed away June 9 after a lengthy battle with cancer. She was 44.

Michaels, who served at the union for 10 years, was named editor and associate communication director in 2014.

“Beth was an incredibly gifted editor and had a burden to present relevant subjects in our union paper,” says Dave Weigley, Columbia Union Conference president. “She wanted to touch and help our members with what they were living with and dealing with, and give them hope.”

photo by Daniel Novta on Flickr

Can’t make it to camp meeting this year? Several of our local events will be livestreamed. You can also watch archives from past camp meetings.

Visit the North American Division's camp meeting schedule of livestreams around North America:

Chesapeake Camp Meeting

June 10- 12: Spanish language
June 14- 18: English language

Mountain View Conference