Chesapeake Conference

Don Russell and his wife, Arlene, can now spend more time traveling to see their children following Don’s successful heart procedure at Adventist HealthCare Washington Adventist Hospital.

Several months ago, Don Russell’s doctor asked him to listen to his heartbeat and then his own.

“His heart was just the perfect ‘thump thump’ sound,” said Don, an 85-year old resident of Laurel, Md., and a member of Chesapeake Conference's Spencerville church in Silver Spring, Md. “When I listened to mine, it was sort of this squishy sound like blood trying to force its way through the valve.”

Time to Act

Story by Samantha Young

Anibal Santeliz, pastor at the Cornerstone, Parksley Spanish and Pocomoke churches on the Delmarva Peninsula, is excited about a new one-hour weekly radio program he hosts in his community.

“When I came to work on the Eastern Shore, the wife of one of my members who works at a local radio station mentioned that we should have a [religious] program,” says Santeliz. Later another employee at the radio station suggested the same thing.

Historia de Samantha Young

Aníbal Santeliz, pastor de la iglesia de Cornerstone, Parksley Spanish y Pocomoke en la Península de Delmarva de la Conferencia de Chesapeake, está entusiasmado con su nuevo programa de radio en español de una hora a la semana.

“Cuando vine a trabajar en la costa este, la esposa de un miembro de una de mis iglesias que trabaja en una emisora ​​de radio local mencionó que deberíamos tener un programa radial [religioso]”, dice Santeliz. “Sabía que no teníamos un presupuesto para ello, así que oré y le pedí ayuda a un par de nuevos amigos”, comenta Santeliz.

Berkeley Poulsen displays a card he designed for an art class fundraiser to support the Restore a Child organization.

Story by Heidi Wetmore

The idea started out as a fun linoleum block printing project. Middle school and high school art teacher, Nancy Rivera, challenged her students to design a Christmas card, then carve the design into a linoleum block, ink it with a roller and finally hand stamp the design onto fine paper. The students personally signed the back of each hand-made Christmas card and intended to give them to special people in their lives.

Invitation by Dan Hodgett on Flickr

Editorial by Rick Remmers

Wayne Gretzky, the famous and retired Canadian hockey player, is credited with the quote, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” A corollary to this would be, “People can’t accept an invitation that’s never given.”

All the paths to church membership include some form of Bible study. People need to meet the Jesus we find in the Scriptures and learn the things He taught. It doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult. In fact, Jesus Himself presented important and profound lessons in simple, easy-to-remember stories and illustrations.